Have your marketing techniques kept up with your competitors’? A joint study by Officite and Dental Economicsi revealed that the top three influences on new patients are referrals, insurance and Google. In addition, they found that search engines and online review sites like Yelp are more effective than advertising, direct-mail coupons and Yellow Pages listings combined.
You can attract new patients by focusing on five types of new people looking for you online.
1. The Newcomer
Starting point: Search engine
Must-haves: First-page Google ranking
Midpoint: Website comparison
Deal breakers: Unprofessional or dated website
Appeal to the Newcomer by focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) so you rank higher in Google results. You can get on the first page of Google results with organic SEO (using key words to increase rankings over time) or pay-per-click advertising, which puts your practice at the top almost instantly.
2. The Dissatisfied Patient
Starting point: Looks at your website
Must-haves: Positive reviews
Midpoint: Social media
Deal breakers: Negative reviews
You can attract this patient type by improving your online reviews, which is today’s trusted word-of-mouth. Software such as Demandforce simplifies the complex task of reputation management by enabling dental practices to request, publish and monitor online reviews in one place.
3. The Patient Who Needs a Specialist
Starting point: Referral
Must-haves: Outstanding patient education
Midpoint: Search engine
Deal breakers: Their required specialty not mentioned on your website
Show this patient that you’re an expert in your area by including a patient education page on your website. Including blog articles or videos that demonstrate your skill and knowledge helps make your practice stand out.
4. The Millennial Patient
Starting point: Social media
Must-haves: Good website, online scheduling
Midpoint: Search engine, reviews site
Deal breakers: Lack of social proof
To appeal to the Millennial Patient, focus on social media. Your reputation management software can help by automatically soliciting reviews from patients and posting them on social and other sites where you need more of a presence.
5. The Insured Patient
Starting point: Insurance company provider list
Must-haves: Excellent website first impression
Midpoint: Reviews, search engine, social media
Deal breakers: Insurance compatibility
This patient is looking for the best provider on their insurance plan. Focus on making a quality first impression by using a service like Officite to create an attractive and mobile-friendly website, where many insurance-conscious patients are directed from their carrier’s site.
The Right Tools Help You Get Patients
The right tools can make attracting patients a lot easier. Henry Schein One offers complete marketing solutions to help you keep your practice productive and profitable. Get a free marketing assessment to find out how you can expand your web presence, improve your online reputation and attract more new patients online. Visit Assessment.HenryScheinOne.com or talk to a specialist at 833.897.9003.