If your website is outdated, it can cause more harm to your practice than good.

How do you know if your site is past its expiration date? It can be hard to tell at a glance. Think of an aging website like the carton of eggs in your fridge that’s 3 weeks past its sell-by date. They look okay. They might be okay – but is it worth taking the risk? Take these simple tests to see if your website is expired.


Today, more than half of all internet traffic takes place on a mobile device. So it’s likely patients will navigate to your site using their thumbs instead of a computer. Visit your website from a smartphone. Is it hard to navigate? Do you have to re-size, zoom, buttons too small to be pressed, or pinch your way through for it to be readable?


This one is easy. Ask someone under the age of 25 what they think of your website (they’ll likely do it from their phone). Will they be impressed, or will they turn up their nose? This might seem like a shallow way to judge the value of your site, but at the end of the day, your website is your practice’s first impression.


You want to be on the first page of Google. Check to see where you rank, but don’t just type your practice’s name. Instead, use search terms that someone looking for a new practice would do. Try using terms like “dentist near me,” or “dentist open tomorrow.” Did your practice show up on page one?


Asking for recommendations on Facebook is common. If your practice isn’t on Facebook, then you’re missing out on additional referrals. And since Facebook is the biggest social network, that should be where you focus first.

If you pass all of these tests, great! If you failed any of them, CLICK HERE to visit our website Design Gallery.